Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm Back!!!!

After returning from the France trip...I lost my momentum in posting.  I apologize and hopefully I can continue now with new happenings.  I will blame my lack of activity on the wonderful laid-back attitude of the French.  I definitely think their attitude helped me realize that "you really don't have to work or stay busy every waking moment of the day." 

Therefore with some planning, I am trying to keep the calmness I built up in France.
The goal is to reduce my involvement in too many activities - mainly volunteering and setting priorities.

What is your passion?  That was the qustion I asked myself.  What makes me happiest other than being with my wonderful family and friends?  It is most definitely - painting.  Painting is the most frustrating, yet rewarding function of my life.  It was my favorite activity at the age of 8 and still is today.

Okay.  I will start posting more and sharing new work and any art related activities  and opportunities that may interest everyone.

This is a new painting I completed a couple of months ago. 36x48 acrylic.  "Gumballs" is one of several pieces I have completed in my "Fun & Games" series.  The paintings are of fun, colorful objects that relate to memories and fantasy.  As a representational's all about interpretation of the realistic. 

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